Maison du Vietnam Resort & Spa, Phu Quoc


Kien Giang: launching a campaign to crack down on criminals in Phu Quoc

Member of the organization for the suppression of criminals in the area of Ho Chi Minh City.Phu Quoc consists of commanders and staff with extensive work experience, strong legal, professional skills, equipped with full facilities and equipment.

At the premiere, Colonel Diep van the, Deputy Director of Kien Giang Province Police said that in recent years, the implementation of the directive of the Ministry of Public Security, provincial committee, provincial People's committee, Kien Giang Province Police has issued many plans to strengthen security and order in Phu Quoc. Thereby, from time to time, has been effective in preventing and fighting crimes, social evils, contributing to socio - economic development in Phu Quoc.

However, the situation of crime and social evils has been complicated. Through the fight against crime in the city.Phu Quoc shows that currently criminals appear in most areas and areas. The operation of criminals is increasingly cynical, reckless, disregarding the law and has happened many complex cases caused by groups such as disputes, including illegal occupation of forest land, land managed by the state; use of hot weapons; detention, detention of illegal persons; intentionally injuring, destroying property, forcibly disposing of property.; buying, storing, organizing illegal use of narcotics; illegal extraction of minerals...

From the above situation, in order to stabilize security and order before, during and after the Lunar New Year in 2023 in Phu Quoc, Police Director Kien Giang Province decided to set up a group to fight and suppress criminals, such as: focus on attacking criminals, eliminate groups that are showing criminal activity in the area, do not let criminals have operating conditions to cause complex cases, contribute to ensuring security order and social discipline.

It is worth noting that on the first day of the army (1.1.2023), the Working Group to crack down on criminals arrested, prevented the group from using guns and weapons to disrupt public order. There, 7 suspects were detained, 8 guns (including mustard and pen guns), 24 bullets, 6 knives, 4 Hammers, 2 armor and some other objects.

Currently, the suspects and objects have been handed over to the City Police Department.Phu Quoc continues to investigate acts of disrupting public order and possession, illegal use of military weapons.


Địa chỉ: Tổ 12, Ấp Bến Tràm, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang

Hotline: - Tel: 0901026629



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