Maison du Vietnam Resort & Spa, Phu Quoc


Note when booking online

A few clicks have selected rooms as the advantage of online booking, but guests will be disappointed without carefulness.

As a convenient form for tourists, online booking is now commonplace and easy to do. Because of the fast, easy implementation in one mouse click, in many cases, visitors must be disappointed when placing a "virtual" room.

For a full travel experience, travelers should note the following when booking online.

Room rates are too cheap

Seeing the beautiful pictures of hotel rooms but the price paid for such a room is extremely low, many people fall into the trap because of the cheap price.

This is a gimmick when it comes to hotel pricing. For rooms with prices that are too cheap for quality, often the fees that are seen are hidden fees that tourists pay such as resort fees, taxes or even concierge fees.

Fool with pictures

Similar to the cheaper quality hotels. Many popular accommodation establishments "hang the head of a goat selling dog meat" by posting pictures of other hotels, even famous 5-star hotels, are far from reality.

Visitors should not trust the image too much, be careful with the offers on the Internet, especially the non-reputable websites, stay away from hotels that only provide close-up photos, do not see the entire room.

Only refer to hotels that provide sufficient pictures of room space. Photo: Mercure

Reviews of the hotel

It wouldn't be a problem if the hotel reviews are always good and updated to the nearest time. If a hotel doesn't have its latest reviews in the past week or so, that's something to consider.

Difficult contact

Contacting the hotel is one way of checking service without going in person. The contact is easy or not, the chat staff is polite, courteous or does not say a lot about the property's service.

Find out carefully

Before making a final decision, you should carefully find out about the property you have chosen such as the address and policy. This information is the basis for tourists to compare many different hotels, make the appropriate choice.

Breakfast is always within most hotel policy, but many properties do not include this service. Photo: Ladders

The reviews usually don't get a lot of attention, but this is the most objective information that tourists can refer to because it is the opinion of the guests who used the service. Reading and refining those opinions affects more or less the final decision.

If you are a knowledgeable person, tourists often consult and compare the prices of the same hotel on many different sites.

Many online booking sites want to make a lot of profits, so they raise prices very high and then take advantage of the visitors' desire to reduce prices that have tricked about strong discounts, shocking discounts meanwhile. Raising prices up while lowering prices at the same time.

Thanh Hang

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